Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PeePee in the potty

Maybe I'm a little crazy or overzealous, but I would really like to have Whitney potty trained before the baby comes. The idea of two in diapers is overwhelming. So a couple of weeks ago I bought her the cute little pink potty and we've been trying a little bit. The first morning I put her on, she sat down and did exactly what she should. Then she peepeed in the potty again that night. Maybe we can do this afterall. The following days however she cried every time I even mentioned the potty. So I decided to try again this morning. When she woke up I asked her if she wanted to go in the potty; she was all for it and excited. We got her diaper off and got her up on the potty and...nothing. So she got up. I tried again in a minute...nothing. So I went to get a diaper and come back to the bathroom and there she is...peepee on the floor. At least she was on the tile. I guess we'll keep trying!

1 comment:

Jennifer Lomenick said...

That is so funny. I have been talking to Stefani about it and she will cry when we put a diaper on her. She has sat on the toilet (little seat on the big seat) and loves it up there. She doesn't like to get down. Just nothing has happened when she is there. I even read her some books. Good luck. I too wanted my older kids potty trained before the next one came along.